I thought I would try to up my blogging over the summer and keep track of some milestones, both mundane and significant. here's a very indulgent capturing of today, the unofficial start of "summer vacation."
I received roses from two students in the last days of school. I am so grateful for my girls and I will truly miss them.
this was a farewell gift from the administration and a nice nod to the irish sisters who run the school I’m leaving. my grandfather will appreciate learning about it as he is especially proud of his irish heritage and often calls me his irish colleen.
I stopped at the market on my way home this afternoon and could not resist indulging my inexplicable craving for chocolate covered gummi bears. since the market doesn’t sell them and I couldn’t justify making another stop (at the mall no less), I decided to make them. here is a photo of the army of chocolate bears on the top shelf of my fridge. I estimate that they will last approximately one day.
and here is the work I have to do over the next five days. this doesn’t include the big stack of essay process in my classroom that I couldn’t bring myself to lug home. I will go back to campus to take care of that and enter those scores last. update to follow (if I’m alive after all this reading…)
Such thoughtful gifts for you! Gifts born from your gifts!
Mush on with those stacks, sadly, my friend... The end is near!
leaving old community and joining a new one is like leaving some memories and taking some, and intend to make some beautiful memories at new place. All the best
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